Every morning hundreds of street hawkers head out from their homes with products, a cart and or makeshift bicycle cart to sell their products in the bustling streets of any metropolis in Pakistan.
Kulsum is a mother of 4 children and her first 2 were born at home with bare minimum facilities. She had suffered post-natal depression and slow recovery during her first two deliveries.
X is a young family man in his late 20’s and works as a laborer in the harsh terrain of Skardu.
Shajahan gets up at fajr to start making his ice-creams for the day. By 8 am he has cycled out to circumnavigate the city and make his earnings for the day.
Lubna Raza is a Kafaalat beneficiary hailing from the metropolis of Rawalpindi. She has two sons and one daughter.
Khalid Shareef, 24 is a student at Quaid e Azam University Islamabad enrolled in the Undergraduate scholarship program.