Zahid Hussain - Ehsaan Amdan Program

(Gwadar, Baluchistan)

As a dependent on his sponsor for the use of , Zahid Hussain would have to pass half his earnings ahead and always be short of money, and burdened with debt. As a beneficiary of the Ehsaas Amdaan program, his wife Aneesa became a conduit for him to receive support in the form of two machines for embroidery. Earlier he would utilize the machines provided by his sponsor and pass of the major chunk of his earnings. With this direct grant he set up the embroidery business in his home and his wife who is a seamstress also started working with him. They were able to retain all the income for themselves and went on to rent a small shop in the bustling ladies’ market.  His young wife supports him in managing his business and creating small products that resonate with the market.


Khalid Shareef - Undergraduate Scholarship Program